In a slip and fall, or trip and fall, case, a hazardous condition is a condition that’s unreasonably dangerous. The property owner will be responsible for the hazardous or unreasonably dangerous condition if you can prove, number one, that the condition was unreasonably dangerous and, number two, that the landowner had notice of it. Sometimes …
How is a Texas property or business owners liability determined?
A Texas property owner or business’s liability is determined in a slip-and-fall or premises liability case by number one proving that an unreasonably dangerous condition existed and number two that the owner or business had notice of the unreasonably dangerous condition. Notice it typically defined as actual knowledge or that the condition existed for such …
What if unsafe conditions on someone else’s property caused my injury?
If unsafe conditions on someone else’s property caused your injury you may have a premises liability case. Typically in a premises liability case you have to prove that an unreasonably dangerous condition existed. You have also have to prove that the unreasonably dangerous condition existed for such a long period of time that the owner …