If you face criminal charges, our McKinney criminal defense lawyers can help. We can explain how the laws apply to your charges and your legal options. We want to help you avoid a conviction, as that can jeopardize your career and reputation.
The legal team at Underwood Law Office can analyze the evidence in your case and build a defense strategy to suit your unique circumstances. Our team will advocate for you, fighting for the best possible outcome.
Proving an Individual’s Guilt
The law is strict when it comes to levying punishment for crimes. However, evidence for criminal convictions must meet an equally high standard. Furthermore, proving someone guilty of a crime often involves investigating:
- The defendant’s intent
- How, when, and where the alleged crime occurred
- How the other party obtained their evidence
- How the law defines a victim or losses and damages
As criminal defense lawyers, we closely examine every aspect of your case. Our goal is to clear your name or, at the very least, get your charges reduced.
For a free legal consultation with a criminal defense lawyer serving McKinney, call (972) 535-6377
We Can Help You Gather the Evidence for a Strong Defense
Our law firm can formulate a defense for you. We can begin by looking for any error in the investigation or charge. Our team can also help you by:
- Investigating the legality of the charges you are facing and the process of your arrest
- Investigating how the prosecution obtained the evidence against you
- Arguing whether the sentence you face is fair and proportional to the alleged crime you are charged with
- Working to disprove the claims made by the prosecution or others against you
- Obtaining evidence, such as an alibi, to prove you did not commit the alleged crime
- Reconciling with the victims to minimize your penalties
We can handle every aspect of your case while you focus on your well-being. This is likely a stressful time, and we do not want you to endure further anguish. When you have one of our lawyers on your side, you can rest assured that our team is doing everything we can to avoid a conviction. Your lawyer will be there to defend your rights.
McKinney Criminal Defense Lawyer Near Me (972) 535-6377
Criminal Charges Vary By Crime
The type of crime you are charged with will determine how your attorney will defend your case.
For example, being accused of burglary is different from being charged with armed robbery. Similarly, charges for crimes like drug possession and driving while intoxicated (DWI) might require an investigation to see if controlled substances, damages, or injury were involved.
Understanding these differences can help you navigate the statutes and laws that apply to your case.
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Crimes, Classifications, and Categories
Texas classifies crimes differently, and each type of crime has its own definitions and penalties. For example, the Texas Penal Code §22.011 defines several types of assault against different people. Homicide, kidnapping, human trafficking, and sexual assault have their own unique definitions and penalties.
Texas Penal Code §28.02 governs offenses against property, such as arson. Texas Penal Code §36.02 discusses offenses against public administrations, like bribery and corruption. From disorderly conduct to organized crime, laws rest within these penal code statutes.
Next, many crimes constitute either a felony or a misdemeanor. These definitions are not set in stone. You may get charged with a first, second, or third-degree felony or a misdemeanor, depending on the seriousness of the actions involved and the extent of the victims’ damages or injuries.
Examples of felonies include:
- Theft or robbery
- Property crimes
- Vandalism
- Child sexual assault and child pornography
- Dealing with controlled substances and drugs
- White-collar crimes, such as fraud
- Voluntary, involuntary, or reckless manslaughter
- Murder and kidnapping
- Neglect of a dependant
- Child, spousal, or elder abuse
Examples of misdemeanors include:
- Disorderly conduct
- Identity theft
- Carrying an unlicensed firearm
- Intimidation, stalking, or harassment
- Underage consumption
- Public intoxication
- Resisting arrest
- Petty theft
No matter what classification of crime you face, we can fight for your best interest. We will keep you updated about your case and answer any questions throughout the process.
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Our Lawyers are Prepared to Defend You Against Criminal Charges
A lawyer serving McKinney from our team can devise a criminal defense strategy to lessen or dismiss the charges. We can do this in many ways.
Drug Crimes
Drug charges only apply if prosecutors can show you had the knowledge and possession of illegal substances, along with an intent to use them illegally. You may be able to lessen or dismiss the charges you face if you can prove that:
- You did not know you had controlled substances.
- You had no intent to use any substances illegally.
- You did not have enough of the substance in question to be charged with a crime.
- The evidence brought against you was obtained illegally.
Child Pornography
We can defend you against child pornography charges by stating that:
- You are not the owner of devices containing pornographic material.
- The material in question does not qualify as child pornography.
- The police illegally searched you for the material in question.
- You are a victim of entrapment.
In some cases, you can even claim a psychological addiction to such material, although such a defense may still require you to undergo rehabilitation or therapy.
Abuse and Sex Crimes
Common defenses for abuse and sex crimes include stating that:
- There was accidental and unintentional contact between you and the victim.
- You took the actions in question in self-defense.
If applicable to your situation, you may also choose to bring the alleged victim’s personal or criminal record to light. This could prove that they made false claims against others in the past.
Your Attorney Can Handle Communication with the Police and Prosecution
If you have been charged with a crime, know that law enforcement officers and prosecutors are doing everything in their power to get a conviction in your case. They might make repeated attempts to talk with you about what happened. They could try to get you to provide them with the evidence they need to disprove your story.
Criminal Cases Underwood Law Office Handles in Texas
Every criminal charge has consequences, and you need to take your case seriously. You cannot “explain away” the charges. You might even make matters worse if you talk to the police without an attorney present.
Our staff has handled different types of criminal matters, including:
- DWI/DUI – We can protect your driving privileges and minimize the potential consequences the court might hand down in your case.
- Drug crimes – We work hard to reduce the charges you may face, including making use of sentencing alternatives and diversionary programs that help you. Our goal is to get your life back on track.
- Domestic violence – We represent individuals who have been charged with crimes of violence against family members.
- Assault – We review all the evidence to determine any possible defenses available to you.
- White-collar crimes – Our attorneys understand how to review the paper trail to gather evidence that refutes the allegations against you.
- Any other misdemeanor or felony charge – We will help you review your options and develop a strategy that protects what is important to you.
Protect Your Rights when Faced with the Consequences of a Criminal Charge
You can protect yourself when facing criminal charges in many ways, including the following advice.
Do Not Commit Illegal Activity
Do not engage in any illegal or risky behavior when facing criminal charges. You do not want to incur additional charges or complicate your defense. Play it safe and protect your rights.
Do Not Discuss Your Case with Anyone
Do not discuss your charges with anyone or post any details on your social media accounts. Prosecutors will be looking into your background. Do not give them fodder to build evidence against you. If someone asks about your arrest, tell them your lawyer does not want you discussing it.
How a Criminal Conviction Can Change Your Life
A criminal conviction can negatively affect your life in many ways. Before attempting to represent yourself, consider what is at stake.
Personal Relationships
Personal relationships can suffer after being convicted of a crime. Peer groups and family members may ostracize you, and forming new relationships can prove challenging. You do not want to explain your charges to your loved ones.
Some employers require you to inform them if you are convicted of a crime, especially a felony. You might face termination or miss out on promotional opportunities and bonuses. In the eyes of an employer, a criminal conviction can speak volumes about your trustworthiness in the company.
Some educational institutions and programs do not admit students with criminal convictions. If you want to enroll in a nursing program, for example, you will need a clean record. Do not risk your academic reputation on a criminal charge. You could lose out on a career path worth pursuing.
Our Attorneys Can Provide Legal Support
Reach out to Underwood Law Office today. Your lawyer can lead your case and fight for your charges to be diminished or dropped. You can speak with a McKinney criminal defense team member about your case and learn about the laws that apply to your situation. Call us at (972) 535-6377.
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