Underage drinking charges can have serious consequences on a teenager or young adult’s life. In addition to possible fines, driver license suspensions, and jail time, these charges may also have academic repercussions.
In some cases, a defendant charged with underage consumption may have grounds for avoiding being charged. This is where we may be able to help. If you are facing underage consumption charges, a McKinney underage consumption lawyer from Underwood Law Office may be able to defend your case.
Our offices can be reached at (972) 535-6377. Please call today for a free case evaluation and to learn more about our services.
Punishments for Underage Consumption or Possession
You may face a variety of charges for the underage consumption or possession of alcohol, based on the specifics of your case. The charges you face—as well as the penalties and sentences that the court may seek to pass against you—may also depend on the severity of any injuries, damages, or wanton disregard for others tied to your underage consumption case.
According to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), a minor in possession of alcohol may face, upon their first offense:
- A 1-to-6-month driver license suspension
- A fine of up to $500
- Community service for 8 to 40 hours
- Alcohol education classes
For a third minor in possession offense, the fee may increase up to $2,000, and you may face 180 days in jail.
Per Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code § 106.041, operating a vehicle or a watercraft under the influence of alcohol as a minor is a Class C misdemeanor. This charge is referred to as DUI. Any amount of measurable blood alcohol concentration (BAC) can trigger this charge, which may include a $500 fine or 2-month driver license suspension.
For minors charged with their third DUI, penalties may increase to a fine of up to $2,000 and/or jail time of up to 6 months.
Academic Consequences
If you are enrolled in a college or university, underage consumption charges may have academic consequences as well. Depending on the school’s policy for underage drinking, there may be consequences regarding:
- Housing privileges
- Financial aid or scholarship
- Suspension or expulsion
- Fines
- And more
Furthermore, an underage consumption charge may stay on your record and may become an impediment to landing work or employment.
For a free legal consultation with a underage consumption lawyer serving McKinney, call (972) 535-6377
Fighting an Underage Consumption Charge
With all of the above in mind, underage consumption is a serious issue, and you can face serious fines, penalties, and other long-term negative consequences if you are convicted of an underage consumption charge.
There are many ways that Underwood Law Office may be able to help you fight an underage consumption charge. Depending on the case, our defenses for this type of charge may include:
When Underage Consumption May Not Be Penalized
Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code § 106.04 allows underage consumption as long as the consumption occurs within the parent’s presence.
If it can be shown that underage consumption occurred at home and with parental consent and with the supervision of a parent who owns, leases, or controls a property, a minor may have a defense against underage consumption charges.
Otherwise, if someone was guilty of underage consumption but reported the underage drinking of another minor who needed medical assistance and stayed with the other minor until the authorities arrived, and he or she also cooperated with the authorities, then he or she may be able to avoid being charged with underage consumption.
Other Defenses
Finally, you may be able to contest the charges that are brought against you by:
- Questioning the officer who arrested you and identifying any weaknesses in their case.
- Proving that any of the observations made about your case by the prosecution are incorrect.
- Questioning the timeliness of the charges brought against you in terms of when the acts in question were purported to have occurred.
- Questioning the accuracy of your identification as the at-fault party in the case at hand.
- Questioning the reliability with which you were determined to have been intoxicated or consuming alcohol as a minor.
A McKinney underage consumption lawyer from Underwood Law Office may be able to design a strategy for your legal defense when we represent you. We may be able to get your charges dropped or, if this is not possible, try to have your charges or penalties reduced.
For a free consultation on your case with a member of our team, call Underwood Law Office today at (972) 535-6377.
McKinney Underage Consumption Lawyer Near Me (972) 535-6377
Understanding the Underage Drinking Problem
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that underage alcohol consumption is a serious public health issue that causes over 3,500 fatalities every year. It has been linked to many serious child and adolescent problems, such as high rates of school absence, poor grades, and social and legal issues such as fights and physical assault. Underage consumption can also lead to physical illnesses, unsafe sex, and an increased risk of suicide.
According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the United States Congress, recognizing the dangers of underage consumption, passed the National Minimum Drinking Age Act in 1984. This act established 21 as the minimum legal age for the purchase of alcoholic beverages.
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Underage Consumption
College Kids: Academic Consequences of Underage Consumption
Sending your child to college can be scary. There are many factors you have to consider when your child moves out of the house and starts life on their own.
Alcohol could play a role in your child’s new life. It could be a cause for concern, especially when it comes to your child’s academic career. Underage consumption in college, while common, is a serious offense. Most colleges have policies regarding underage drinking and they are generally in line with federal and state laws.
If your child is caught drinking underage, their university will likely take action, in addition to state law enforcement.
College Kids: Academic Consequences of Underage Consumption
What Are the Possible Consequences?
There are a variety of consequences for underage drinking at your child’s university, including:
- Suspension
- Fines
- Revocation of housing
- Revocation of scholarships or financial aid
- Required enrollment into underage drinking prevention classes
- Community service
- Expulsion
These are just a few potential actions that may be taken if your child is caught for underage alcohol consumption. Consequences can be more intense based on the severity of the violation and the number of past offenses.
There are many severe consequences of underage drinking in colleges. Having a conversation with your child about these consequences could help them navigate this difficult aspect of school, as they’re apart from you for the first time.
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Call Underwood Law Office Today
You do not need to face underage consumption charges alone. A McKinney underage consumption lawyer from Underwood Law Office may be able to defend you at all stages of our case. We can walk you through what you need to know regarding your defense and can help gather evidence and represent you in court to try to reduce your charges or absolve you of guilt.
For a free consultation on your case with a member of our team, call Underwood Law Office today at (972) 535-6377.
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