Cynthia Underwood graduated from McKinney High School in McKinney, Texas in June 1991. She then attended and graduated from Austin College, in Sherman, Texas, in May of 1995 with a Bachelor’s of Business Administration Degree.
Austin College is recognized as one of the leading private liberal arts college in the country. After graduation from Austin College, she attended Professional Court Reporting School in Richardson, Texas for a degree in court reporting. She graduated from that school in 1999. In 1999, she moved to Charleston, West Virginia to work as a court reporter for Johnny Jackson & Associates. A few years later, Cynthia earned her national certification in court reporting through the National Court Reporters Association and is licensed as a Registered Professional Reporter.
In January 2006 she decided to join her husband and work with him at his law practice. The business management education that Cynthia possesses, the high speed typing and proofreading skills that she developed while being a reporter are valuable assets to the firm. She is also the office manager and financial contact for the firm.
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